New Lasanthas Tailors Pvt.Ltd.

Project Proposal
The proposed shop is “New Fashion Lasanthas Tailors”. Address is No. 272, Kandy Road, Dalugama, Kelaniya.

           This tailor shop was established in 1980 by Mr. A.A.P. Perera. And present Manager’s name is Mr. A.A.J.L. Perera.

           Mainly there are two processes in this shop. First one is renting coats ant other one is tailoring. At the present there is no any automation system for renting coats and tailoring.

Basically at the first stage when customer comes to hire coats or give measurements they use manual system to enter customer details.
Hiring coats & Dress making system information transfer among all the parties in interested will be conducted with the system in an efficient way. Another goal is to generate enthusiasm for new system. Support services will be needed to implement the system.

            Our proposed system develops hiring coat & dress making system based on results-oriented design principles: This system is targeted, interactive, and objective-driven for real customer satisfaction. Our new product will help optimize the day-to-day work process of the client.
These solutions are designed to maximize the effectiveness and motivation of client's working force. Our solutions will help to shorten workprocess, increase efficiency, and enable client’s team to more effectively capture and sustain long-term relationships.

Main Objectives Include
1.       Make a login to access to the system for receptionist and service advisor by using user name and password. This will control accessing unauthorized people to the databases.

2.           From this renting automation system we will expect to develop a system can be use to renting coats. For this system we plan to input a code for each coat including main details of each coat and by using this code number it can also display customer’s details.

3.       Our third objective is to get customer’s measuring details to client from software. To identity a customer we use identity card number and also we plan to develop a part that can be display how much quantity of materials use for that particular process.

4.       Our fourth objective is to add part for finance section including mainly two parts. The first one is purchasing and the other one is account part.

We hope to include voucher detail and stock detail in purchasing part.And we hope to include invoices, income statements and balance sheet detail in account part.

5.     Receptionist can check availability of coats by using store database. And also he can view the update prices, quantity of coats from store database.

6.       Check availability of materials, quantity and prices of them by accessing the material database.
Goals of this proposed system is to provide efficient way to carry out their work easily. Newly proposed system will help to store, update, retrieve and delete customer information efficiently. It will help to maintain customer details in secure manner.
          Database will update working time details of employees time to time. Because of that
Receptionist can easily allocate a Manger for particular customer. We use similar process like this to allocate Renting coats & Measuring.
           We suggest a system to transfer Printed Documents among manager and employees. Coordinated effort will have to be organized to put the project in place. To PCJT students this project has given a lot of practical exposure.


Richard Pieris & Company PLC

Project Proposal
Creating a fully Computerized Program For the System